I became aware of my status as a literary nerd officially in ninth grade. Before that, I had an inkling, but was never sure. The conversation between me and a Mean Girl friend went like this:
MG: Look at all those nerds over there there, sitting in the loser lunch spot. I bet they like, read for fun.
HYUG: I read for fun.
MG and everyone else (possibly the entire school): AWKWARD SILENCE.
Even then, it wasn't so much embarrassing for me as everyone else. Though my friends never seem to know what to do but laugh uncomfortably when I get overstimulated by literary things, like that time I jumped up and down in a movie theater when I saw the preview for The Golden Compass (TALKING ARMORED BEARS, COME ON!), I own my nerdiness. I embrace it. I love book more than most people love other people. So fuck off.
So for the weekend (which for me starts today), I leave you with these wonderful, nerdy links of pure literary tomfoolery than make my nerd heart expand like a balloon and laugh hysterically by myself in my room:
If you find anything about this site remotely entertaining, check this out. An entire thread of literary jokes. |
Disney Hipster meme. |
You can actually buy this here. |
Everything you ever needed to know about Twilight here. Including why I think this picture is funny. Hopefully. |
There is an entire site devoted to literary tattoos. Seriously. |
Garfield without Garfield becomes an existential crisis here. |
I may already own this. But don't worry, there's plenty more to choose from here. They donate books every time you buy something. |
Best friend with a tumblr is getting to me, but found here. |
Continue your education here. |
P.S. I see the split infinitive, so shut up. But I think the English language is a magical thing that you get to fuck around with as much as you want. My poetry teacher congratulated me on making up a word the other day. I win, grammar loses.
There are very few things I want more than an armoured bear.